Saturday, March 30, 2019

Sneak Peeks

Here are some few pics and vids of our film opening, we are so close to uploading it and we can not wait for all of you to see it.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019


Hey guys it has been a while since I have blogged. I know I'm sorry. There is so much that you guys have missed and I am going to tell you right now. I am not sure if you guys remember how my partner and I were going to use children as our participants for the film opening. Also we were going to film with red lightning and a bathroom as our setting. Unfortunately, all those things have requirements that we both can not meet. The children were just too far from our location, and we had another set of children but their mother is going through pregnancy. The red lightning and bathroom was just not something we pictured in our heads.


We switched everything up. We made the main character one of us. We switched the lightning and the location of the film. We started filming and I have to say that I am actually impressed on how we contributed all the production techniques we have learned throughout the school year.

No more spoilers, the film will be coming out soon.

Don't sleep on it.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Group Meetings

On Friday, we had group discussions where everyone in the class gets put in a group to receive ideas and critiques from others. To be honest , I really enjoy these because it gives me a chance to find out what my project needs help on. Additionally, I can give help to others as well. Throughout these group meetings, one person gives a concise summary of their film and the behind the scenes process. During the time that the person is speaking every person in the group adds a comment based on what the person is speaking about. I personally find it very interesting because I get to take inspiration from the other participants.

I like that throughout these group discussions, I can ask my peers questions regarding my project. Group meetings are really useful because it gives me strategies on what I can improve on, resulting in a better project.

Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Film Process

                My partner and I had a conversation with my teacher regarding our project. She gave us a variety of tips that can come in handy when it gets closer to filming. She also mentioned since our genre is psychological thriller we are going to need to film a lot. The film has to be a minimum of two minutes long, so we are going to over shoot. This means that we are going to shoot a lot of scenes, just so we do not have any scenes missing. Not only will my partner and I over shoot, but we will also shoot with different phone angles. This way since its a psychological thriller, the viewers can get different angles from the same scene. This results in a more chaotic feeling. W e would incorporate dutch angles which is a shot with a slanted angle. These shots are most likely used in action movies.
                                We also made plans to meet with the nine year old boy who is going to star in our film. Since he lives all the way in Hollywood, its a little far from where our city is located. So combining schedules with my partner and the boy is one of our main challenges, but we'll get through it. 

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Light bulbs

         I was thinking, and I thought about how dope it would be if we used red lights to create a more scary and tense feeling to the scene. However, I do not have red lights just laying around my house so I have to go to Home Depot to see if they carry red light bulbs. IF they do not have red light bulbs which I know they will, I can just purchase red spray paint or red paint and cover the bulb completely. With the use of the light, we will incorporate a plethora of extreme close ups, this will result in a more emotional connection with the character and the viewer.
     To give you more of an idea, I'll insert some pictures of how I would like the extreme close ups to be:
Image result for close up shot

This is the closest to the representation of what I want, except it'll be under a blanket shadowing with the red light. 

Monday, March 11, 2019


At the start of my blogs, I had mentioned that my friend and I were going to shoot some scenes in the bathroom. Because of the fact that the bathroom foreshadows as a "safe place", however, because of the difficulty of our plot we realized it would be extremely difficult to film in a bathroom. There are many difficulties that come with this, for example, the lighting. We want to get filming as soon as possible, and by the time that the light bulbs get ordered and delivered to my house, it'll waste too much time. Not only that, but none of us have a bathtub that stands alone, normally bathtubs usually have a wall on the back. We would need something like this: Image result for bathtub

However, we researched on Best Buy and Amazon to see how much it would cost to buy a bathtub, and it's pretty expensive. Prices range from like the cheapest $200 to the most expensive about $2000. The bathtub is definitely not that important, so we had to think of something different. We decided to brainstorm and we came to the conclusion that hiding under a blanket would be a good idea. We think its a good idea because it creates more connection between the character and the viewer. It allows a more vivid scene. 

Saturday, March 9, 2019


       Sound is extremely vital in films. Mainly because it gives dimension to the scene, adds emotional impact to the scene, complements visuals, and  allows visuals to be more realistic.  Throughout the course of Aice Media Studies, we were taught a plethora of different types of sounds used in films. These sounds include: synchronous sound, asynchronous,diegetic, nondiegetic, sound motif/leitmotif, sound perspective, sound bridge, voice over, addressing audience, and expository voice, sound effects, score, music, sting, and foleyartist.  

We are thinking about making some of our own sounds and editing them on the scene. We want to use sound effects to  build the viewer's adrenaline. Normally, when the sound begins to increase, something is going to pop up. We would also use sound bridge which i s a transition from sound to sound. 

Of course depending on the different type of sounds we make, we'll place it in a category. 

See you soon!

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Character Development

           I am not sure if you guys remember how my friend and I were indecisive about our gender for the film. I mentioned how I really wanted a girl, however, we are going to chose a boy.  I was kinda upset I'm not even going to lie, but I think it's the best choice we have.
          My friend's sister has these two boys whom she babysits. One of them is really interested in the film industry, so we decided that this would be a great opportunity for him to learn. We plan on giving him a little lesson about all the fancy camera shots and angles, so he can find out the behind the scenes process of a film.  Later on in his life, if he still dreams to purse being an actor  he could use this experience as an extra bonus for his resume.

Tuesday, March 5, 2019


         I'm not sure if I have explained to you the plot of the film. Basically,  our character is going to be anxious and scared of what's going on around him/her. He /her knows something is wrong, but  they don't know what it is.  They're just scared. So as the film begins to progress, the character starts to pack things up in his backpack. He grabs the things that a re most sentimental to him.

These include: a frame of his parents, notebook, pens, map, and a candle. We want to add more to the backpack, but  we are still thinking about it.A frame of his parents just in case it is the last memory of his parents. A note book to send clues  if they can't find him. A map to navigate his way throughout the city while he's on the run. Last but not least... the candle. You guys are going to have to keep up with me to find out ....

To be continued... 

Monday, March 4, 2019

Production Location

Hey guys, I just  got off t he phone with my partner, and we discussed some few things.

First of all, since this is a psychological thriller we are researching our location to film. We had the idea of the film being taken place in a room that connects to a bathroom.  You might be asking , why a bathroom? The bathroom is supposed to foreshadow the importance of safety  because it represents a safe place for the character. However, the problem with that is the lighting situation. Usually in thriller films, lowkey lighting is used almost throughout the entirety of the movie. So, I  was looking on Amazon  to see if they sell dim light bulbs.   I  was brought to this page which showed me hundreds of different types of light bulbs. The first one that pops up is one of my top favorites because it has the settings to change the type of lighting I want.  

We're still indecisive about the light bulb situation, so I'll keep you updated !

XOXOXO, Hanna 

Thursday, February 28, 2019


Since our genre is a psychological thriller, most of the time it includes just one main character. So that iswhat we plan ondoing, however, our onlydilema ischoosing acharacter. We are not sure if we want to make the character a boy or a girl, or young or older. Personally, I think girl characters that act in a scary movie give off more of that creepy vibe than boys.

Additionally, my friend and I are on the lookout to find children who would be interested in participating in our film. My mom has a friend who has daughters that I normally babysit every weekend, so I am going to ask for her permission. While, my friend’s sister babysits two boys who seem to be very enthusiastic. We’ll have to see which of the participants make the cut.

I’ll keep you guys updated!!

Tuesday, February 26, 2019


                             We're getting started on our storyboard.This storyboard is extremely helpful     because it allows us to coordinate our ideas together. In the past, we were given an assignment that  required us to make a storyboard; believe it or not it actually came in handy. For those of you who don't know what astoryboard is, basically  it is pictures of the scenes that one plans to film. To give you a visual example of what it looks like, think of a comic book and how all the pictures are placed together as if it was a picture book.

                       Story boards are extremely efficient  to the production of the film. Storyboards give the directors and producers of the film an idea of how the film is going to turn out.  Here is an example of our storyboard so far:

Monday, February 25, 2019

Final Decision

      My friend and I came to the conclusion that our genre will be psychological thriller. My friend and I met up at Panera to discuss our schedules and plan out our outlines. On this same day we began our storyboard; this took a while because of the fact that we both had different ideas. However, we decided to put both of our ideas together, so that none of our ideas would be left out.
     I had the idea of doing a aftermath murder, and how the murder lives on with their life knowing they killed tons of people. My friend and I wrote down each idea and we came to the conclusion that my idea would be difficult to film, however, we can incorporate some of my thoughts with hers.
     Our film opening is not in depth right now, but we do have the idea. Which is, a little boy who is finding the dark. There's a lot going on in his house that he does not know of, meanwhile, he's upstairs in the bathroom trying to get help. So far, that is all we have, stay tuned to hear more of the film.

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Genre (Film Opening) part 2

      Horror. The type of movie that gives you an adrenaline, makes your heart pump a billion beats per minute, makes you jump out of your chair, and lastly it causes you to not sleep. Most people have trouble sleeping when they finish watching a scary movie. 
    Throughout history scary movies have always been a top hit. Horror films are usually shot in a low light setting giving the viewers a different type of fear. 

1. The Exorcist
The all time most known horror movie of all time: The Exorcist. This film came out in 1973, when a young girl begins to act strange, starts levitating, speaking un properly, things just go down hill from there. I don't want to be a spoiler, so you're just going to have to watch it for yourself, if you haven't already. 
Image result for The Exorcist

2. Anabelle
 A young man buys a doll for his wife whom he thinks will love. The doll who was dressed in a white gown with makeup and pigtails on her sides. This doll began moving locations throughout the day where the couple remembered being left somewhere else. One night, things were not sunshine and rainbows in that house... 
Image result for annabelle horror movie

         In every horror movie, there's always a plethora of characters. By characters, I mean the roles that these characters play.

  • The Saver- this character plays the role to protect anyone who is in sight of danger in the film, this person is in charge to bring everything back to how it was. 
  • The Wise Leader- this character plays the role to be there for anyone who has questions. Usually this person tends to be on the older side, since they are more wiser because of the life experiences. 
  • The Obvious- this character plays the role to act as if they are the villain, however, they're just the really creepy character. They make it seem as if they are the serial killer, but really thats just their personality and they are nothing close to the killer. 
  • The Basic Loud Not That Smart Girl- We ALL are aware of the silly girl who's stuck in the back of a car seat and ends up dying first. Its known as the basic stereotype of horror movies. 

Monday, February 18, 2019

Genre (Film Opening)

       Goooooood evening! I told you guys I would be back! So my friend and I came to the conclusion that we were going to do either a psychological thriller or a basic horror. Personally, I am more of a thriller kinda gal because of the fact that, I like movies that play around with my head. Movies that get me thinking. On the other hand, my friend really likes horror music because of the jump scares and the amazing techniques one can do with horror film.
       I'm going to tell you guys the characteristics of each genre, this way it is easier for my friend and I to finalize the genre of the film.

So what is a psychological thriller? 
    According to, it claims that psychological thrillers purposely leave the viewer with questions in their mind. They leave people with specific "signs" with all of the twists and turns. It allows us to think any character can be absolutely anything in regards to portraying as a certain character.

1. Silence of the Lambs
One of the most famous psychological thrillers to ever exist is Silence of the Lambs. With its combination of psychological thriller and suspense, this movie leaves viewers on their feet. Attempting to figure out the serial killer's lies and the relationship between the different characters, leaves into a unsettling conclusion.

2. Gone Girl 
Another recent famous psychological thriller is Gone Girl. This movie is based on the disappearance of a certain character has caused many questions between the character's relationship with another.

There are certain characters that are involved in a psychological thriller. For example, criminals, stalkers, assasins, innocent victims, prison inmates, serial killers, and sociopaths.  

(Throughout this journey, I will document every idea, research, and visualization that will go into the film opening. Stay tuned for another blog about the characteristics of a horror movie!)

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Film Opening

         I'M BACKKKKKKK better than evaaaaa! My life is doing so good and I am so excited with what I am about to share with you guys. I am going to be creating a film opening with one of my bestfriends!!! Her and I are still in debate about what genre we want to do for our film. Since both of us have really different tastes, we're going to have to figure something out. Ever since I was little, I've girl I have always enjoyed the mind thinking movies. Hopefully, we end up doing a psychological thriller.

I will keep you guys posted!!

Switching Things Up

       HEY guys!!!! It's been a long while since I've been on here. I've been dealing with a lot of stuff at school and my life in general. There's been a plethora of changes in my life, for example, I'm moving out of my house and I'm starting soccer season next week. My new job has been tiring but I am securing the bag. For my older audience, "securing the bag" means that you are earning a lot of money, its a term said by teenagers.
     I will make sure to keep you guys updated and stay tune for a lot of BIG THINGS! :)