Hi, my name is Hanna Vera. I was born in Bogota, Colombia and I am a junior at Cypress Bay High School. I'm currently enrolling in a class called Aice Media Studies in which we are taught the production techniques of a film or tv show.
My class was presented a project and we were given two options: it was either a magazine or film opening. My indecisive personality led me to explore both options. With the magazine, I can dive into different types of topics, while the film its more based on a single plot. I was also given a plethora of genres to choose from that being comedy, horror, action, etc. I thought about what genre would suit my ideas the best, but then I remembered that I should talk about a genre that interests me and catches my attention. Choosing a genre was even more difficult than the format. With the plethora of genres given, I took most interest in health and fitness.
After I chose the genre, I was still faced with the decision if I wanted to do a film opening or magazine. I dove deeper into formats and I thought about what I would enjoy doing most; ever since an early age I took joy in posing for the camera. Although film openings has an abundance of opportunities, nevertheless choosing a magazine would allow me to work naturally and showcase my ideas.
After a long process of conducting my research, I came to the conclusion that magazine was the right choice. I knew that with the format of a magazine, I could express my genre and my ideas through pictures, cover pages, headlines, and much more.